Nieuwe Kerk Concerten Haarlem is a series of classical (chamber) music concerts, programmed by the Pianoduo Amacord.
We organize 7 concerts per season with passionate musicians from home and abroad in all possible line-ups. In addition to renowned professionals, we also offer a platform to young talent. We hope to welcome you in the beautiful Nieuwe Kerk!
“We want to offer a stage to both renowned musicians and young talented colleagues, with a mix of ensembles, soloists, duos and trios, who present high-quality programs in which there is room for new music in addition to the standard repertoire. We notice that it works particularly well to program this new music alongside the better-known repertoire and have it explained in an accessible manner by the performers.”
We organize 7 concerts per season with passionate musicians from home and abroad in all possible line-ups. In addition to renowned professionals, we also offer a platform to young talent. We hope to welcome you in the beautiful Nieuwe Kerk!
“We want to offer a stage to both renowned musicians and young talented colleagues, with a mix of ensembles, soloists, duos and trios, who present high-quality programs in which there is room for new music in addition to the standard repertoire. We notice that it works particularly well to program this new music alongside the better-known repertoire and have it explained in an accessible manner by the performers.”
19.10.2024, 15:30u
Blazers van het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest & Maarten den Hengst (piano)
30.11.2024, 15:30u
Daniel Rowland (violin) & Maja Bogdanović (cello)
18.01.2025, 15:30u
De Amsterdam Salon & NKC Haarlem
”Salle Pleyel”
Rosanne Philippens (violin), Johan van Iersel (cello), Ivana Alkovic (piano),
Jeroen Sarphati (presenter)
01.03.2025, 15:30u
Waterman Trio & Jöel Waterman (viola)
12.04.2025, 15:30u
Mikkel Myer Lee (piano)
24.05.2025, 15:30u
Pianoduo Amacord
28.06.2025, 15:30u
Barbara Kozelj (mezzo-soprano) & Thomas Beijer (piano)
Blazers van het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest & Maarten den Hengst (piano)
30.11.2024, 15:30u
Daniel Rowland (violin) & Maja Bogdanović (cello)
18.01.2025, 15:30u
De Amsterdam Salon & NKC Haarlem
”Salle Pleyel”
Rosanne Philippens (violin), Johan van Iersel (cello), Ivana Alkovic (piano),
Jeroen Sarphati (presenter)
01.03.2025, 15:30u
Waterman Trio & Jöel Waterman (viola)
12.04.2025, 15:30u
Mikkel Myer Lee (piano)
24.05.2025, 15:30u
Pianoduo Amacord
28.06.2025, 15:30u
Barbara Kozelj (mezzo-soprano) & Thomas Beijer (piano)
Nieuwe Kerk
Nieuwe Kerksplein 36 Haarlem
Nieuwe Kerksplein 36 Haarlem